You may never think about the security of your online communications - until it's too late
This is a tough lesson that many are learning right now, as reports uncover that the SolarWinds attack is not only affecting several government agencies, but also hundreds of private companies. India is witnessing transformations at an unprecedented speed and scale. The transformations are across all spheres of activity, impacting the socio-economic and political fabric of this country. There is clearly a move towards improving livability, making it easier to do business and improving the economy.
From a governance perspective, the role of the people is evolving from being a mere voter, tax-payer and a general bystander on majority of the issues to an active participant and influencer on majority of policy issues. There has been a renewed focus on global issues such as environment and sustainability, thereby bringing about strong measures to comply with global best practices. There have been visible audacious plans proposed and implemented by the government which have helped address the pressing issues plaguing the country’s development. The nature of the economy has also evolved from being a highly monsoon dependent to being virtually drought proof, that has helped provide the policy headspace to the government to drive growth & development. Many initiatives launched by the government have led to a phenomenon of Competitive Federalization thereby promoting country-wide development.
Lastly, the enablement through wide-scale technology adoption (growing usage of drones, wireless technology etc.) and innovative processes has led to improved efficiency and greater success. The growth in opportunities and urbanization in India has led to a large population being attracted to move to India. India is now being perceived as a land of opportunities and the destination of the future.It is also leading to friction being created among the old and the young, the traditional versus the forward looking, the Haves and the Have-Nots
All information, things and spaces are getting digitized. We notice that not only is legacy information being digitized but also that new information is generated and consumed in a digital form. Governments are moving towards a regime where no paper certificates are required. Certificates will be digitally created and hosted.
Things are getting connected to the internet. From meters, to vehicles to pollution sensors, to shoes, glasses, watches, pacemakers, embedded medical devices – everything is getting digitized and connected to the Internet under the framework of Internet of Things (IOT). And hence everything can be remotely monitored and managed, increasing the levels of automation to unprecedented levels.
Spaces are getting connected i.e from homes and offices to public spaces getting free WiFi and 4G connectivity. Even spaces such as cars and public transportation are getting connected, and things, spaces and information are freely communicating with each other in an all pervasive digital fabric. With technologies such as 3D printing creeping in, even products are getting digitized, with the designs being sent over to homes to be printed and created, and hence if someone is short of a cup for a dinner party, all that the person has to do is print it out without stepping out from home.
This is transforming how we work, interact, transact and live.
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