Hikvision Offers Smart Security and Public Safety Solutions for Safe Reopening of Schools

As schools and colleges across the country are gradually re-opening amid the receding third wave of the pandemic, it is little wonder that students return to campus after a significant gap of two long years.
To socialise with their friends, to lunch together with fellow mates, to play with each other during classroom breaks, to meet their teachers, to exchange experiences and to show off newly acquired skills, to attend physical lectures, to celebrate together special occasions – all this had been deeply missed and they have a hope to have this back again.
As much as they are looking forward to attending physical classes - which is crucial for their overall development too - they are likely to take their own time to re-adjust in the school atmosphere. The gap of two years, the possible change in settings and infrastructure, the increased vigilance to pandemic threat, the social distancing norms, and the discomfort with sanitization and face masks – all this carries a newness and an element of uncertainty.
According to experts, it is still imperative to follow the pandemic guidelines at all times without losing the focus on compliance. It is at these times that the Smart Pandemic Security Solutions can help and support in enhancing the compliance.
The pandemic risk is very much around and the threat of the malicious virus variants has not vanished completely. It is still necessary to not lower the guard on the compliances of pandemic-appropriate behaviour like wearing face masks, disinfecting hands regularly, and social distancing. It is a good idea to adapt the smarter solutions for a secure reopening of schools and educational institutions.
The key stakeholders of the education sector are now looking for breakthrough solutions to resolve the health and safety concerns related to the pandemic. Such solutions are needed to enhance the safety of all the students and staff while also giving them a secure access to classrooms, offices and dormitories.
To help educational institutions to safely reopen, Hikvision India offers an impressive line-up of solutions for the Education Sector. Some of these Pandemic Related Public Safety Solutions, include Flow Control and Social Distancing Solutions.
Public Safety Solutions
Smart and Touch-Free Access Control Devices can help to tackle the pandemic threat by enabling compliance measures and public safety solutions. Hikvision’s MinMoe Facial Recognition Terminals ensure Smart and Touch-Free Access to students and school staff while maintaining their Time and Attendance record in a safe and easy way.
These are special access control terminals with a built in Artificial Intelligence Technology. When the students enter the campus premises, these Terminals offer a safe access to the authorised students.
Flow Control Solution
As various schools and educational institutions are reopening across the country crowd density information is also considered a significant reference in managing the "social distance" of campuses and public spaces. School administrators and authorities have to do more than ever to keep people safe, and in many cases efficient calculation of student traffic becomes essential. Use of technology can provide a monitoring solution to manage this, by giving alerts when more than a desired number of people gather at a particular location (maybe a social event or a formal meeting or similar such) Special people counting cameras can give an accurate information of how many people have entered and how many exited from a particular premise. The information from these can also be displayed on Digital Signage screens, for scenarios where factors like transparency and public awareness are the key.
Social Distancing Solution
This solution uses people counting and 3D modeling technologies to measure the distance between people accurately. The distance measurement can be adjusted, according to specific scenarios or the changing Government regulations.
The output can be connected to various kinds of alarms, such as a siren or a hooter or a voice command, making it possible to relay the appropriate message at the scenario. For example, an audio message saying “Please remember to keep more than 1.5m apart” could be used. Alternatively, in more extreme circumstances a siren could be sounded, for alerting security guard to intervene.
Hikvision Lecture Capture and Broadcasting Solution
In the post-pandemic new normal world, times are changing faster than one can ever imagine. The education sector is going through the complete digital transformation, it is now a major trend in schools, colleges and educational institutions. The learning process in the education sector is shifting from classroom learning to e-learning. The demand for e-learning has grown significantly in the recent times.
The transition to online-offline classes during the pandemic and post-pandemic phases have added stress to the teachers and students alike. The challenges faced by teachers, include increased working hours, parental interference and distractions due to non-academic activities. The panacea for all the challenges faced by teachers and students during the online-offline classes is the Hikvision Lecture Capture and Broadcasting Solution.
Despite the reopening of schools and colleges across the country, there are a sizeable number of students and staff are not attending the classes due to fear of the pandemic, to bridge the gap and help the students, Hikvision Lecture Capture and Broadcasting Solution is a perfect solution.
It has made the learning process highly engaging, flexible and interactive. Broadcasting a lecture and simultaneously recording it can help the learners immensely in different time zones and locations. Hikvision Lecture Capture and Broadcasting Solution offer the technological advantage to students and teachers alike. It helps to simplify the learning process with ease of knowledge sharing.
Key Advantages
Real-time display of data: A clear and easy-to-understand dynamic data display monitor can be installed at each entrance to provide real-time indoor number updates.
Automatic alarm: An alert is created when the pre-configured maximum is reached, and an audio alarm can be triggered if anyone attempts to enter before the numbers go below that threshold.
Easy and rapid deployment: The Flow Control Solution can be easily and rapidly deployed. It is designed to be simple to use and highly accurate, with options to suit all potential application scenarios.
Lecture Capture and Broadcasting Solution add value: It is helpful in real and virtual classroom scenario. The classroom simulation includes – a three screen output, multimedia content indexing and cataloguing. It has post lecture editing, and publishing facility with storage and retrieval option. It also has annotation on interactive board. It offers usage statistics and analytics. It helps in scheduling of lectures and timetable. It offers the device management, hardware and software updates. The Lecture Capture and broadcasting solution comes with one time cost. It can be integrated with third party software. The solution enables online lectures, classroom simulation and refresher courses during exams. The usage analytics data offer insight on the participation of students and frequency of lectures.
Eliminating Pandemic Risks through Compliance Measures
Safe Reopening for education sector requires all of us to move forward together, employing the recommended best practices and maintaining safe daily habits in order to reduce risks. Cutting-edge video technologies can help various organizations better observe the instructions and guidance. Hikvision India, has dedicated product packages for education vertical specific applications and solutions, including schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions. It has multiple application cases across India to help the cause of safe reopening for the education sector.
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