Channel Empowerment Session- Pandemic fast-tracked the Digital transformation
Digital transformation is enabled with technology along with the strategy, leadership and culture drives the business transformation and innovation. Digital Transformation is integration of digital technology bringing in fundamental changes to know how your business functions and how you deliver value to your users. The most common measures are Customer Experience, Workplace Transformation, Cyber Security and Digital Ready Platforms. On this backdrop VARINDIA has organized its 19th STARNITE AWARDS 2020 virtually due to the current scenario. Industry leaders have graced the event with their invaluable viewpoints.
The event started with a virtual Lamp Lighting ceremony, followed by a welcome speech by Dr. Deepak Kumar Sahu, Editor-in-chief- VARINDIA. Welcoming everyone, Deepak said, “Due to the pandemic, we all are able to meet each other on real-time though not physically but yes, it is possible digitally. I would say, it is an opportunity for the OEMs to showcase their capabilities and strength of techno diversity. Technology has made some huge strides on the diversity front in the last few years. Digital transformation should be focused on the holistic wellbeing of the organization, and its extended ecosystem. In an increasingly messaging cluttered world where businesses are clamouring for attention and ‘Born Digital’ Start-ups are redefining the rules of business, Organizations are forced to transform digitally before the market dynamics decimate their existence.”
Then it is followed by the exciting sessions on the Channel Empowerment Session by Savex Technologies along with Six OEMs and they are Accutech, Airslate, Checkpoint Software, Tableau Software, Vembu Technologies and Yotta Infrastructure. The leadership from SAVEX Technologies has presented the key facts and roadmap in the Partner Empowerment Session.
In the Partner Empowerment Session, Anil Jagasia, Chairman, Savex Technologies, said, “Savex has been in IT for the last 34 years, and has always made sure that those who are associated with us have hardly seen any failure. COVID has hit us hard putting many lives to stake. Savex, along with its partners, managed to help the needy. During lockdown, technology has gained as Work From Home; Learn From Home has become a new normal. Change is the only constant.
We have to identify the newer technologies like machine learning, RPA or AI and adapt them too. All I would say is adapt, and we shall all shine bright in this industry where the sun never sets.”
Jayant Goradia, MD, Savex Technologies, commented, “Savex is the most trusted player in the IT & telecom distribution in India. Savex is the answer to being an atma nirbhar in IT and telecom distribution landscape. Savex is not just a distributor offering supply, chain and credit services but much more. It is also a leading player in eCommerce as operator of brand stores for our vendors. We have built an MIS interface through which the partners have access to their business data in the Savex system. We have developed mobile apps through which our sales team can now key in your orders and into our ERP for executions. We will extend this to our partners to directly place orders. We use robotic process automation to improve productivity of a backend operation. Besides doing B2C business, we also cater to BYOD and Online to Offline operations where our partners participate.”
Speaking on how the Hardware and Software enterprise advancements is happening in the Industry, Raunak Jagasia, Director, Savex Technologies, said, “India will grow from $2 trillion to $5 trillion economy. This will bring a great opportunity for all in next decades. India is uniquely positioned as one of the youngest economies. We are in a time where we have great ace to the capital and we have some interesting and exciting companies coming out of India. IT now has become a central of business too. Even banks are planning to put data centers- this discussion is as fresh as hot cakes. India is adopting cutting edge technologies. India is going app first, mobile first, thus giving IT channel chance to provide big opportunities to customers. Digital Transformation of every channel is the key. Every company, during COVID, has under gone digital transformation. COVID has created big opportunities for the IT sector.”
Atul Gaur, Director, Savex Technologies further elaborated, "Digital Transformation is being talked about everywhere. If you see from my perspective, our industry is divided into three parts- good, better, best. Good part is Service- Services give us high margin, friendliness with the end customer and are very interesting for all of us. Better is the recurring revenues- higher values, we all know the valuations of the companies which are into recurring revenues and best are Customized services with recurring revenues. You can add your services, whatever you are, vendors are offering you, maybe we are offering you what I think you can customize. That's where the real value would come and further because nobody can replicate that as well. Savex offers all three under one roof like cherry on a cake."
Saurabh Naik, Director Savex Technology, added, “The first news of the pandemic in February rang a warning bell in our minds, and we knew it was going to impact us as well. We worked on it to face it and before the national lockdown was announced, we were all ready with our strategy. We had a few staff working from home, and still to the point. Our IT team worked in the background to develop apps for the sales team. We also worked on omnichannel solutions for some of our partners. We integrate offline stores with online media. Pandemic is a lesson and opportunity for all the IT fraternity to go out and reach out to thousands of customers and investigate if they are prepared for digital transformation.”
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